A bag I made recently for a friend's mama, more to come! Can be made to order, you pick the size, closures, amount of pockets, etc. Just contact me at stazia@telus.net
Every day, my lovely new sewing machine calls to me, "Come play with me!" Like a child at the door, calling me away from chores & responsibilities! And many days lately, I've been listening...sometimes even ignoring the other things I should be doing,*blush*.... ...so I've set up this blog to share with the world some of the things that have come out of my hands & ideas... ...& just sew ya know, I don't use patterns, preferring to learn on my own, & make things up as I go along! Otherwise, I feel like I'm just copying, rather than creating! (Yes, I use my seam-ripper lots!) I do read lotsa quilting & sewing books, magazines & websites for inspiration & tips, though, & have been working on selling more of the things I create, {but still often end up giving things away to my friends & loved ones!} Feel free to write & let me know if you're interested in anything I'm posting, though, & I'll get right back to you to let you know if it's available for purchase! stazia@telus.net Thanks for visiting my blog! Hope it inspires you to go express your own creativity!
"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." ~Pablo Picasso~
To me, quilting, sewing, making something out of pieces of fabric is my art...it brings out my creativity in a way only playing guitar, singing, & songwriting has ever affected me... ...so deeply it changes me, moves me beyond myself into a realm of possibilities there is no other way for me to enter... ...so go do something creative already, whatever it is for you!!! It'll make your day more wonderful!!!
Me & my sisters, 20 YEARS AGO! I'm in the middle!
I made my outfit out of a sheet the night before!
Even then, when sewing, I'd be up all night!
The pants lasted this one wearing...then split up the middle when I got home! {At least they waited until then!}
~Me in 30 more years~
~How I'd love to sleep under the stars!~
~Sewing by lamplight~
~Even dogs love quilts!~
~Quilting Bee Jigsaw Puzzle~
~Babies LOVE quilts!~
~Even dolls love to quilt!~
~Bedtime for babydoll~
~To quilt, or not to quilt?~
~Fellowship at the quilting bee~
~Come on over for tea~
~At my mother's knee~
~East African women hand sewing~
~Kids & a quilt from yesteryear~
~Japanese woman sewing~
~Someone's memory~
~mother & child selling their hand-sewing~
~Busy hands are happy hands~
~Stitching the time away~
~Sewing, even with imperfect hands~
~Harder to do back in the day~
~The kitchen table will do~
~An old fashioned sewing circle~
~Girl's sewing class~
~What shall I make today?~
~Sew wonderful to help a young one learn~
~Sewing in the past~
~Sewing class in India~
~Woman hand sewing with machine in Togo~
{These words were under the picture...) "This lady in the central market in Kara sewed my ripped shorts with this hand driven sewing machine. When I commented that I had never seen a hand driven machine before (only a pedal driven machine like the one my grandmother had) she swung her legs around to show me how small and crippled they were from polio." {& yet what a smile!!!}