One of our faves, sweet & simple, & awaiting a home! Just the right size for a afternoon out in the sunshine!
Here's a close-up of the two fabrics on the outside...
...soft, top-quality quilting cotton {lovely to the touch!}

The inside is lined with black cotton,
with more multi-colored purple quilting leaf stitching that really stands out!
(All my bag seams are double stitched, & triple-stitched on the handles!)
It measures 11 & a half by 11 & a half, & the thick quilted handles are 23 inches~
There's 2 pockets on the outside,
& 2 matching ones one the inside~
(one made out of each fabric, lined, & topped with leaf stitching.)
It's available at my Etsy store, come on over for a visit!